It's Time to Feel MORE
Visible, Significant, & Fulfilled in Midlife!


You know there's MORE
for you and your life.

Over the years, you intentionally
built the life you lived.

You've met all the expectations
and checked all the boxes.

You've filled the roles, responsibilities, and titles
with love, giving them
everything you had. 

Now in midlife, you're supposed
to be proud, 
feel satisfied,
complete, and fulfilled.

The truth is . . . you're not.

You've always known
you were meant for
so much MORE.

And while you’ve lived a good life,
having achieved and experienced
a WHOLE lot to get to where you are,
you feel like you’ve only scratched
the surface of who you really are
and what your life can offer.

Now that the expectations have reduced, 
there are no more boxes to check,
and the identities that defined you
by your roles, responsibilities, and
titles have changed or become
irrelevant, you are now craving . . .

Newfound meaning and significance. 

A fresh sense of joyful fulfillment. 

And a desire to impact the
world around you in
ways you never have before.

 In other words, you are . . . 

Ready for MORE.

  Ready for MORE means . . . 

  • You've lost touch with who you are and struggling to find yourself again - You want to discover who you are NOW beyond the roles, responsibilities, and titles you hold.
  • You live on autopilot and settling for what life gives you - You want to start living a life you love that engages and fulfills you.
  • You feel incomplete and unfulfilled wondering if your best years are behind you - Yet, the stirring within tells you there are parts of you yet to be discovered and potential to be reached.
  • Your future is like a blank canvas that's unclear and uninspiring - You want clarity and a vision to know what you want to be, do, and have so you can be inspired for years to come. 

If any of these describe you,
then you're in the right place!

Settling and struggling
through midlife is not
the only choice you have. 

There's another choice.

One that helps you
answer the call for MORE,
embrace the possibilities,
ignite your potential, and
transform your life
so you can live with the
meaning, direction, and vision
you want for your life now.

You can choose PURPOSE.

And not just any kind . . .

For midlife women, PURPOSE

is more important than
success, money, or fame.

Because once you know

you become empowered to
create and achieve whatever you want.

And here's the "secret sauce" . . .

You don't "find" your purpose,

ONLY IF you know how to . . .
uncover the clues,
interpret the messages,
understand the patterns, and
find meaning in your life journey
to discover who you are now
and what you are here to do

And that's what this
workshop teaches
you with a powerful


A self-guided personal
workshop using a powerful

This isn't just another self-help course.

Ready for MORE is a transformative
journey designed for midlife women
who are ready to discover their
unique core purpose and create
a life that aligns with their

values, passions, and dreams.

Everything you need to help
you learn what makes you unique,
embrace your wisdom, discover your purpose,
and harness the power within you to live it.


This life-changing  workshop includes:

  • A Self-Guided and Personal Format - Easy to access digital content designed for you to work on privately, when it's convenient, and at your own pace. 
  • Introduction Videos - Two videos to introduce you to the workshop. One to welcome you and another to help orient you with the what's included.
  • 10 Lesson Videos - To help you ask and answer each Ready for MORE purpose discovery question, lessons are presented in beautifully designed videos. 
  • Worksheets, Journal Prompts, & Challenges - Every lesson includes printable exercises and resources to help you apply what you learn in each video and take the steps to discover your purpose. 
  • Instant 24/7 Access - With internet connection, you get immediate access to the entire workshop all day, every day. 
  • Ready for MORE Facebook Group - Membership in the private community for workshop members where you get answers to questions, additional guidance, support, encouragement, and connection with other workshop participants.

Total Value = $997
Regular Price = $297

Your Special Price  


An amazing value considering
discovering, knowing, and living


No more guessing!
No more wondering!
No more wishing!

You get answers, clarity,
direction, and most of all . . .


Are you Ready for MORE? 

  • Wake up every morning looking forward to the day ahead because you're living a life that engages and inspires you.
  • Live with more confidence and self-worth because you know yourself better and at a deeper level than you ever have.
  • Pursue your passions and connect to your dreams because you have clarity about what you really want, why you want it, and how to do it.
  • Instead of a blank canvas for your future, you have a vision and a plan to make the coming years more meaningful, significant, and filled with PURPOSE! 

 Discovering your PURPOSE
has no expiration date.

You're NOT too old! It's NOT too late!

This is the perfect time for YOU!

You're just one decision
and one click away!


Hello! I'm Deborah Thomas
and, like you, I am a woman in midlife.

I get it and I get you because I've been where you are.

I understand what it's like to reach this stage of life where so many things have changed. You feel like you've lost yourself, you're unfulfilled, you don't know how to make yourself a priority, and only see a blank canvas when you try to look into your future. You know there's more for you and your life but not sure where or how to start.

As a former corporate marketing and advertising exec, turned SAHM of 9 (yes, nine children), then mom-in-law and grandma, I know what it's like to reach a point in life when you ask, "Now what? Who am I? What do I really want? Am I too old? Is it too late?"

Over the last 10 years, I've worked with women from all walks of life and all parts of the world. As a certified Life Empowerment Coach and Mentor, I am passionate about sharing the steps I learned and took to discover my purpose, transform myself, and live the life I dreamed of.

I want to shorten the learning curve for you to embrace midlife reinvention empowered with purpose, confidence, and excited for the future.

Because the best really is yet to come!

You know there's MORE!
You want MORE!
You are Ready for MORE!

There's so much MORE
of life ahead of you!

It's time to start living it with PURPOSE!


Questions you might have:


Total Value = $997
Regular Price = $297

Your Special Price  
