$97.00 USD

Ready for MORE

It's Time to Feel MORE Visible, Significant, & Fulfilled in Midlife! 

The Ready for MORE self-guided virtual workshop will teach you how to uncover the clues, interpret the messages, understand the patterns, and find meaning in your life journey to discover who you are now, what you really want to be, do, and have now and for years to come.

In other words . . . to live YOUR PURPOSE!

What you'll get:

  • Instant 24/7 Access to Entire Workshop
  • 2 Introduction Videos
  • 10 Lesson Videos
  • Worksheets, Journal Prompts, & Challenges
  • Ready for MORE Facebook Group Membership

This life-changing workshop will help you gain the meaning, direction, and vision you crave!

Enter your information to sign up and get started. 

IMPORTANT: Due to the digital format of this workshop there are NO REFUNDS, CANCELLATIONS, OR EXCHANGES.  Any requests for alterations or exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of Deborah Thomas Coaching/Essentially Deborah, LLC.

What Women Are Saying:

The Ready for MORE Workshop allowed me to finally see that I needed to set a retirement date, declare it to myself, and clearly see how my core value will be at the center of what I decide to do next. I could not have come to this clarity without this workshop!

Pamela K.